Thursday, 22 May 2008

The Credit Crunch and Global Warming

Due to the global credit crunch sales of baked beans have rocketed. People are spending less on the more luxurious food stuffs preferring to nosh on cowboy food for basic sustenance.

Now has anyone got any ideas on how to use all that additional methane?

We had better think of something or we can no longer blame cows for global warming

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Babylonian Constellations

Chaos Theory tells my brain.
A butterfly can bring us rain.

Journalists with negative views.

Seems only angels bring good news.

Look at me emotionally broke.
My bank account is newly choked.
I’m riding high on waves of misery.
Needing more of life’s chemistry.

Love is as old as the Babylonian constellations.
The mirror in my ‘scope is missing a Contessa’s reflection.
She is out there but she ain’t coming in my direction.
Love is as old as the Babylonian constellations

You said your piece, got angry
I let you have your say.
In the end I made it easy.
For you to walk away.

…Walk away

…Walk away

Love is as old as the Babylonian constellations.
The mirror in my ‘scope is missing a Contessa’s reflection.
She is out there but she ain’t coming in my direction.
Love is as old as the Babylonian constellations.

© CTM 18/06/02

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Congestion charge in Cambridge

Just got this from the local council about the proposed congestion charge. Comments later!

Dear Sir/Madam
Tackling Congestion in Cambridgeshire
I have noted from our records that you have contacted us during the consultation on our plans to tackle congestion in Cambridgeshire.
I would like to thank you again for your involvement and advise that the results of the consultation will been announced today, 6th May 2008 and these can be found on our website You can find the results on the left hand side of the screen, at the "Consultation Results" page. These should be available from 5.00pm onwards.
Should you have any issues accessing this site or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me

Kim Armitt
Communications and Engagement Officer
Transport Policy & Strategy

Tel: 01223 718414

Post: Cambridgeshire County Council, ET1041, Castle Court, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge, CB3 0AP

..and apologies... my reader(s)...

Long time since I posted due to a house move, an 18th birthday and my work sending me all over the country.

Oh, and playing and agonising over scrabble with one reader on Facebook. You know who you are.

Normal service will be resumed from now on.

Motoring charges

Heard on the news recently....

One in three motorists have a motoring offence whether it is speeding or parking or something else. I wonder how much that means the government and local authrities have gotten in charges or fines.

Read in the paper recently..

About 75% of motorists get off speeding fines due to technicalities and most becasue they claim in court that they never received the paperwork for court....

How do these statements stack up?
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